Available Executive Policies

Companies spend considerable resources and time finding and acclimating new executives to their organizations. Executive-level benefits are expected, so putting a plan together should include many options.

To attract and retain top talent, companies offer enhanced versions of life, disability, and identity theft policies which they may already offer all their employees in group coverage. Executive benefit programs may prevent valued executives from being lured away by other opportunities while simultaneously helping your company save resources. These are a few examples:

  • Executive Life – Offers a menu of meaningful supplemental life insurance coverages with additional benefits such as extended maximum payout levels, no need to take a medical exam, and tax advantages that can help pay for retirement obligations.
  • Executive Disability – Bridges the gaps between other group plans, adding additional values and incentives such as no need to take a medical exam, covering loss of bonuses, incentive compensation, and higher salary caps and portability.
  • Executive Identity Theft Protection – Provides the insured executive and their family more extensive coverage of damages, resolution, and remediation.

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